Exit Codes

The following is a list of coala’s exit codes and their meanings:

  • 0 - coala executed successfully but yielded no results.
  • 1 - coala executed successfully but yielded results.
  • 2 - Invalid arguments were passed to coala in the command line.
  • 3 - The file collector exits with this code if an invalid pattern is passed to it.
  • 4 - coala was executed with an unsupported version of python
  • 5 - coala executed successfully. Results were found but patches to the results were applied successfully
  • 13 - There is a conflict in the version of a dependency you have installed and the requirements of coala.
  • 130 - A KeyboardInterrupt (Ctrl+C) was pressed during the execution of coala.
  • 255 - Any other general errors.